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Jan 2: Gratitude for Those Who Lead By Example

Today, I am thankful for those who choose to lead by example.

In our daily roles, we make hundreds of decisions. Most of these decisions are simple – ones that do not require much debate. Then, there are times we need to make complicated decisions. Tough decisions with no right answer. Challenging decisions that require tradeoffs for limited resources. Undesirable decisions that disappoint many but are necessary to fulfill a Company mission.

Good leaders make decisions, even the ones that are unpopular.

I’m reminded of a decision Theodore Roosevelt made on this day (Jan 2) in 1903. At that time, a woman named Minnie E. Cox was appointed as the first black US postmaster. Many residents in Indianola, Mississippi, resented her being named to this prestigious position & petitioned for her removal. As physical threats ensued and racial tensions grew, Minnie submitted her resignation on Jan 1,1903. However, the next day, President Roosevelt refused to accept it. Instead, he closed down the Indianola post office & rerouted the mail elsewhere. All the while, Minnie’s position was kept intact.

As leaders, we make tough choices. We should never back away from making the right decision – even if it is not a popular one.


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